Bio-inspired lightweight damping metamaterials
Proud to be on board with famous companies in the Institute of Physics Event
Mitigating the Sound Waves on Low Frequency Ranges!
Nature Engineering Solutions Ltd is a registered company in the heart of business district of London in United Kingdom. Our main area of expertise is metamaterials.
We have more than two decades of proven international experiences in automotive, aerospace and advanced technologies.
Nature Engineering Solutions Ltd ist ein eingetragenes Unternehmen im Herzen des Geschäftsviertels von London in Großbritannien. Unsere Kernkompetenz sind Metamaterialien.
Wir bieten neuartige leichte Metamaterialien für Schwingungsfilterung, Lärmschutz, multifunktionale Anwendungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Automobil- und Eisenbahnsysteme .
Nature Engineering Solutions Ltd, Londra'nın iş bölgesinin kalbinde yer alan tescilli bir şirkettir. Temel yetkinliğimiz metamalzemelerdir.
Titreşim filtreleme, gürültü kontrolü, şok emilimi, havacılık, otomotiv ve demiryolu sistemlerinde çok işlevli uygulamalar ve metamalzemeler alanında ileri için yeni hafif hücresel metamalzemeler sunuyoruz.
Nature Engineering Solutions Ltd is incorporated in 10.10.2024 under the Companies Act 2006. It has a company registration number of 16011584. The situation of its registered office is in England and Wales.
Please arrange an appointment to meet us. Our office is located in the historical and business district of London. It is within a walking distance from the Euston train station and Great Portland Street tube. Our address is:
167-169, Great Portland Street, London, England, W1W 5PF